Privacy Policy

The following Privacy Policy will apply to the use of any Laitkor services beginning on May 25, 2018, though you are invited to review and accept its terms at any time before such date.

In an effort to protect our clients’ and site visitors privacy and rights, Laitkor has established a Privacy Policy which explains what information we gather on visitors and what we do with information that we gather.

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Laitkor collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users of this website (each, a “User”).


Users’ privacy is very important to Laitkor. We are committed to safeguarding the information Users entrust to Laitkor.

The Information We Collect

Laitkor collects personally identifiable information from Users through online forms for ordering products and services. Laitkor also collects anonymous usage information on Visitors to its website through use of Google Analytics. Google Analytics may employ third party tracking cookies to gather anonymous browser, operating system, geographic, and website navigation information.

How We Use Information

Laitkor may use personally identifiable information collected through our website to contact Users regarding products and services offered by Laitkor and its trusted affiliates, independent contractors and business partners, and otherwise to enhance Users’ experience with Laitkor and such affiliates, independent contractors and business partners. At no time will Laitkor’s database of users ever be sold to any entity for the purpose of marketing or mailing lists. Personal information will not be sold or otherwise transferred to our business partners without your prior consent, except that we will disclose the information we collect to third parties when, in our good faith judgment, we are obligated to do so under applicable laws.


Amendments to this Privacy Policy may be made at any time and you should check back frequently for any changes. This policy was last updated on May 22, 2018.